You see the future of healthcare,
we want to help you build it.
Erik Ibarra, Chief Experience Officer
Product Design | UI/UX Design | Prototyping | Product Leadership
As co-founder and chief visionary, Erik is focused on redefining healthcare through experiences, innovation, and interoperability.
Erik Cardenas, Chief Information Officer
Health IT/Integration | Regulatory Compliance | Technical Leadership
With over 15 years experience in healthcare, Erik creates strategies centered in health information systems, compliance and interoperability.
Jamie Javery, Chief Technology Officer
Full-Stack Developer | DevOps | Information Architecture Leadership
Bringing 17 years experience in software development, Jamie builds technology, documentation and processes to ensure successful projects.
Calamine | Software Designed for Healthcare
Home | Work | Team | @CalamineDesign
We partner with healthcare companies to
design, develop and launch world-class
businesses, products, and experiences.
Health System Integration
Regulatory Compliance
User Journey/Personas
Product Roadmapping
Product Market Fit
Design Thinking
UI/UX Design
Responsive Web Design
Rapid Prototyping
Product Leadership
Technical Leadership
Project Management
Launch Strategy
Product Testing
Marketing Automation
Staffing Program
Calamine | Designed for Healthcare